Actonville resident celebrates her 100th birthday

Thelma is known to her loved ones as someone caring, helpful, giving, loving and considerate.

While the City Times celebrates its centenary this year, Actonville resident Thelma Ramsammy shares in the same joy this year, as she turned 100 on June 3.

The Paarl Street resident had an intimate family gathering that was organised by Nogz Moonsammy and her team.

“She was so excited because all her grandchildren came together for her birthday,” said her daughter, Mona Ramsammy. “Nogz bought a cake, lunch and balloons, and all the grandchildren gave her presents.”

Thelma moved to Benoni about 50 years ago and spent her former years in Boksburg where she attended school until she was assaulted.

“She was walking to school and someone attacked her,” Mona explained. She ended up in hospital for over a year and when she was discharged, she could not walk properly.”

The centenarian then did not complete school as her parents decided it best to keep her at home.

“She married Gopal Ramsammy and together they had three children Vicky, Patrick and me,” Mona explained.

Vicky died while they still lived in Boksburg, then the Ramsammy family moved to Benoni.

“My dad worked at the mines but died in Benoni. My other brother also died,” Mona shared.

Leaving Thelma with the sole responsibility of surviving, she started a house shop where she sold treats to residents in Actonville.

“Now that my mom is older, I take care of the house shop,” Mona said.

Thelma is known to her loved ones as someone caring, kind, helpful, giving, sweet, loving and considerate towards others.

“We are so blessed to have her, being so old and still having my mom around is a blessing in itself,” Mona concluded.

ALSO READ: Meet one of our centenary contributors – Glynis Cox Millett-Clay

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