#Letter: Do you know the Kinnerys of Benoni?

The reason for the search is to find a photograph of this brave airman for a memorial service at his war grave in Holland later this year.

Brenda Kelly, former RAF (UK), writes:

I am hoping to trace living relatives of the brave World War Two airman John Frederick Kinnery.

He was the captain of the South African Air Force Mosquito MM519 RO with service number 102495V.

The captain was born in 1918 in Orange Grove, Johannesburg, and died on December 2, 1944.

John had known of the Kinnery family living in Benoni until recently.

The reason for the search is to find a photograph of this brave airman for a memorial service at his war grave in Holland later this year.

It is part of a project to find a photo of every brave warrior and place the photo on their Commonwealth war grave.

If anyone can help me trace the family I would be extremely grateful. My email address is brenda.ann.duckworth@icloud.com

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