Purple Red Paws needs food for its animals

Residents who are willing to help can contact Zalita on 076 412 2962 to make arrangements.

Purple Red Paws, a non-profit animal organisation based in Zesfontein, has made an urgent plea for food donations.

Since the beginning of lockdown in March 2020, the number of donations had decreased significantly and that has put a strain on the founders Zalita Laas and Marisa Meano.

The organisation cares for 101 dogs, 38 cats, three sheep, two goats, a donkey and a pig.

“Times are hard and we cannot at this stage keep up with feeding all our animals.

“We desperately need dry dog and cat food.”

Residents who are willing to help can contact Zalita on 076 412 2962 to make arrangements.


 Purple Red Paws need food donations for their furry friends 


 #Covid-19 Lockdown: Benoni animal welfare organisations report finances biggest reason for surrendered pets since start of lockdown




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