Make the most of the year ahead

Last year was a turbulent one.

Now that it is over and the matric results have been released, the Class of 2020 will be making plans for the year ahead.

“If you now find yourself in the position that you are able to pursue further education, but did not yet put plans in place to do so, the good news is that registrations are still open at some higher education institutions, whether for full-time degree study, part-time and distance programmes or short learning programmes,” said Wonga Ntshinga, senior head of programme at the faculty of ICT at The Independent Institute of Education.


Undecided about what to do after matric?

“There are some excellent options still available to prospective students, and there is no need to let the year go to waste by putting your plans on hold until next year.”

Ntshinga said anyone keen to continue their studies this year must get to work as soon as possible to ensure they don’t miss upcoming deadlines.

“Your first stop should be to do a thorough online search for institutions and programmes that are still accepting registrations, to see whether any of them are a match for your ambitions. If you are unsure about what you want to do with your future, this is a great opportunity to speak to a career counsellor or student advisor at a respected higher education campus.

“These advisors are well-trained and knowledgeable about which kind of professionals are in demand, and expected to be so in future, and will be able to assist you with advice regarding which qualifications are a fit for your interests and strengths.”

He added that given the current economic climate and competition for limited opportunities in the workplace, young people should do everything in their power to constantly develop their skills, even if they are not yet ready to commit to full-time degree study.

“There are several options available that don’t involve a long-term commitment, but which will help you take the next step on your educational journey, thereby building your competitive advantage in the job market.

“So if you have an idea of what field you’d like to pursue, but need more certainty or more time before pursuing a full degree, or maybe don’t have degree endorsement, consider enrolling for a higher certificate which will allow you to get a foot in the door in a specific field, while at the same time exploring and refining your interests. Upon completion, you would also be able to enrol for degree studies in a similar discipline.”

A higher certificate is a one-year programme that allows students to attain a full qualification while at the same time mastering the essential skills needed for higher education success.


Four options to consider after failing matric

“Of course, many will still want to opt for full degree, and if these candidates move quickly, they can still register in time to complete their first year by the end of 2021,” Ntshinga said.

“While most public university registrations have closed, there are still opportunities in private higher education, which thousands of students opt for as a matter of course because of smaller class sizes, work-integrated learning which prepares them to step confidently into the workplace from day one, as well as the strong industry connections that some institutions boast.

“So if you are interested in pursuing a degree this year, do your research and contact institutions without delay.”

Ntshinga noted that a degree from a respected private institution is highly regarded among employers, particularly where the institution has a reputation for producing work-ready graduates who can make a positive contribution from day one, rather than having to struggle to translate the theory they learned at university into real-life application.

Very importantly, prospective students should try to contact current students at their chosen institution to ask about their learning experience, in particular their experience of lockdown learning last year.

“Our environment remains uncertain and anyone signing up to study now must make sure that their institution can continue providing the highest quality of academic excellence, coupled with engagement and support, even when in-person learning is not possible.

“Prospective students must be confident that their institution will assist them to continue successfully on their educational journey, regardless of future disruption that may arise,” he concluded.

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