How to Eat Out Safely with Your Kid

Admit it, supervising children can feel like a full-time job. Anyone with kids will tell you that the first few years of parenthood are just about making sure your kid doesn't find a creative way to put themselves in harm's way.

Blink too slowly and they’ll try to drink dishwashing liquid, run into a table, or see how far their finger can go into a plug socket. This is why we have restaurants. Going out and enjoying a burger is a great way to unwind from the constant vigilance that comes with caring for kids. There’s just one problem…

Kids are more adventurous outdoors than they are at home. So, even something as simple as going to a restaurant can present a bit of a safety challenge. Luckily, you don’t have to keep a hawk’s eye on your kids when you’re at a restaurant. Just keep these tips in mind to make sure they’re safe and satiated:

Watch the Hot Liquids

Keep a close eye on your favourite cup of premium coffee The foam on your cappuccino might tickle your kid’s interest and make them want to take a sip long before it’s cooled down. As soon as your coffee arrives, make sure you keep it as close to you as possible. 

The Same Goes for Hot Plates

Some restaurants cook the dishes on the plate, and they’re piping hot when they get to the table. But there’s a simple solution to this potential problem. Get your kids into the habit of testing a plate’s temperature by quickly touching it with a fingertip before they grab a hold of it. You could even turn it into a game you play at dinner time so that they get used to it even when they’re not at a restaurant.

Make Sure They’re Entertained

It doesn’t take long for bored kids to get restless. And anyone who’s been around a restless kid knows they can go from zero to hyperactive in a second. If it’s possible, eat at a restaurant that can keep your kid entertained. Leave the tablet and toys at home, and let your kids run wild in the play area. Wimpy Playworld is the perfect distraction for your kids. You can quietly enjoy your meal with the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your kids are having fun in a safe environment. Selected Wimpy Playworlds around the country are open and ready to welcome your little one.

Don’t Forget Hygiene

Physical danger is not the only thing to worry about. Until kids have settled into a hygiene routine, they often have to be reminded to wash their hands before a meal and after they cough or sneeze. Because of the times we’re living in, restaurants like Wimpy are paying particular focus to their hygiene protocols. Eat out at a reliable restaurant that takes hygiene measures just as seriously as you do. 

Kids can be a handful, but there are plenty of steps you can take to make your trip to the restaurant one to remember. 

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