Sassa pleads for patience

Sassa urges the public to familiarise themselves with the days on which various grants are dealt with and to use the online system where possible.

The City Times was invited by management of Sassa to visit its Benoni office in Elston Avenue.

Nandi Mosia, the spokesperson for Sassa Gauteng, and Mzwakhe Mavuso, who works in grant administration, led the walk-through and said the invitation for the media to visit the facility was aimed at highlighting the fact they are indeed doing all they can to assist with the community’s needs and address complaints.

“It has been very difficult in lockdown level three,” said Mosia. “We can’t have 100 per cent of our staff back so we are working at a 50 per cent staff capacity.

“The reason for this is because having all staff back means if one person becomes infected with Covid-19 the majority may also become infected and then instead of closing for only one day we would be forced to close for longer.

“At this point, when there is a breakout of the virus at our offices, we send that particular group home and close for a day to decontaminate before bringing the other half of the staff in to take over.

“This way Sassa remains operational and able to assist the people of Benoni.”

The City Times, as well as the local office, have fielded many complaints about queues.

Mosia said Mavuso is at the office at 6am each morning when he is on duty.

“He starts separating the queues into five lines as per their designated categories.”

Mavuso explained they only allow 16 clients in at a time to ensure they maintain social distancing regulations.

“This is why the queueing system seems to look and feel so long.

“We don’t let everyone in at the same time, only 16 people at a time, all of whom have to sanitise, do a temperature reading and fill in the register before being seated and ensure social distancing,” he said.

“Even our staff are spaced out, with employees separated by empty desks.”
Sassa has placed chairs outside in the parking area at the back of the building for the elderly and disabled to wait in the queue.

“The chairs have been put under a carport in the shade as things do take time due to the 50 per cent staff capacity.

“However, we do try and get to as many clients as we can in a day,” explained Mosia.

“We know at this point we are only able to assist about 150 people a day on a first come, first served basis.

“Unfortunately, we do get some difficult people who arrive late and want to be put ahead of those who were here early, but we try to work on a fair system as much as we can.”


Resident fed up with no service at Sassa

The system at Sassa Benoni Local Office:

• Monday and Tuesday: The focus is on older persons grants.

• Wednesday and Thursday: The focus is on child support grants.

• Friday: All disability grants (care dependency grants).

Sassa Benoni Local Office is situated at 87 Elston Avenue, Benoni CBD.

The office is open Monday to Friday 7.30am to 4pm.

Office: 081 815 1197

Toll-free number: 0800 601 011

Anti-Fraud number: 0800 701 701

“You can come through to the Sassa office on any day, Monday to Friday, as we always distribute forms that are required. However, for assessments with doctors, the system per day works as stated,” explained Mosia.

“We understand the frustration of the public, we really do. We want to help as best we can, which is why we invited the City Times here today – to explain procedures to the public and to help them to understand that we are also under pressure but doing our best.”


Sassa would like to open an office in Daveyton but is struggling to find office space, Mosia added.

“We know many people travel from Daveyton and sometimes get sent home as we are only able to assist about 150 people a day within the stipulated working hours,” she said.

“Sassa is, however, working on opening an office in Daveyton which will make life much easier for many residents.

“With regard to the online system: it is functioning well but people tend to load incorrect documents, which hampers procedures.

“Sassa also plans to embark on an online drive to educate people about how the online application works. It is, however, up and running and we encourage the public to make use of the online system.

“We would obviously like to have more staff on site so we can assist more people, but for now – to keep the public and our staff safe – this is how we will have to work.

“Staff are doing their best and we ask for patience,” concluded Mosia.


Sassa explains lockdown processes

What is required when applying for a grant:

Care Dependency Grant requirements:

• The applicant must be a South African citizen, permanent resident or refugee.

• The applicant and child must reside in South Africa.

• Child must be under the age of 18 years.

• The applicant must submit a medical/assessment report confirming permanent, severe disability.

• The applicant and spouse must meet the requirements of the means test (except for foster parents).

• The care-dependent child/children must not be permanently cared for in a state institution.

• The income of foster parents will not be taken into consideration.

Child Support Grant requirements:

• The primary caregiver must be a South African citizen, permanent resident or refugee.

• Both the applicant and the child must reside in South Africa.

• The applicant must be the primary caregiver of the child/children concerned.

• The child/children must been born after December 31, 1993.

• The applicant and spouse must meet the requirements of the means test.

• Child cannot apply for more than six non-biological children.

• Child cannot be cared for in state institution.

Disability Grant requirements:

• The applicant must be a South African citizen, permanent resident or refugee.

• The applicant must reside in South Africa.

• The applicant must be 18 to 59 years of age.

• The applicant must submit a medical/assessment report confirming permanent, severe disability.

• The applicant’s medical assessment must not be older than three months at date of application.

• The applicant and spouse must meet the requirements of the means test.

• The applicant must not be maintained or cared for in a state institution.

• The applicant must not be in receipt of another social grant in respect of him or herself.

Foster Child Grant requirements:

• The foster parent must be a South African citizen, permanent resident or refugee.

• Both the applicant and the child must reside in South Africa.

• Child must remain in the care of the foster parent(s).

Older Persons Grant requirements:

• The applicant must be a South African citizen, permanent resident or refugee.

• The applicant and child must reside in South Africa.

• Must not be younger than 60 years.

• The applicant must not be in receipt of another social grant for him or herself.

• The applicant and spouse must comply with the means test.

• The applicant must not be maintained or cared for in a state institution.

• The applicant must submit a 13-digit bar-coded ID.

Special Covid-19 Social Relief of Distress Grant requirements:

• South African citizens, permanent residents or refugees registered with Department of Home Affairs.

• Resident within the borders of the Republic of South Africa.

• Above the age of 18.

• Unemployed.

• Not receiving any income.

• Not receiving any social grant.

• Not receiving unemployment insurance benefit (UIF) and does not qualify to receive UIF.

• Not receiving a stipend from the National Student Financial Aid Scheme.

• Not receiving any other government Covid-19 response support.

• Not resident in a government funded or subsidised institution.

For more information call the Sasssa office or visit their website:


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