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Puppies in desperate need of your Cheer Fund donations

It’s easy to support the Christmas Cheer Fund – simply visit the SPCA at 3 Klein Street, Lakefield with your donation and fill in the Christmas Cheer Fund book.

The Benoni SPCA is in desperate need of a new puppy nursery kennel block as their puppies have been dying due to the parvovirus, which is an extremely contagious and potentially fatal gastrointestinal illness.

Puppies are most at risk of symptoms associated with parvo because they have not yet been vaccinated against the illness.

As of November 9, the organisation had raised R21 490 towards the Christmas Cheer Fund that will be used to build the block.

Diane Wooldridge, chairperson of the Benoni SPCA, said that they are quite frantic at the continued loss of puppies.

“The nursery needs to meet special specifications, which will require someone who knows what they are doing and that does not come cheap.”

The organisations need an excess of R100 000 for the puppy nursery and are pleading with residents to continue donating towards the cheer fund.

The following donors are responsible for the increase in the donations:

• Bambi (R4000)

• Promise (R25)

• Allen (R200)

• Sabi (R100)

• Cyndi (R100)

• Sherwan (R500)

• Paula (R500)

• Sandra (R1000)

• Mohamed (R100)

• Christine (R250)

• Tailor (R150)

• Kurt (R200)

• Mike (R1 000)

• Tessa (R500)

• John (R350)

• Denise (R250)

• Anonymous donations amounted to (R410).

It’s easy to support the Christmas Cheer Fund – simply visit the SPCA at 3 Klein Street, Lakefield with your donation and fill in the Christmas Cheer Fund book.

The City Times will be publishing donations every week on our website (www.benonicitytimes.co.za).

Information sourced from https://www.hillspet.com/dog-care/healthcare/parvovirus-in-dogs-and-puppies


Puppies to benefit from this year’s Christmas Cheer Fund 


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