Teddy bears make young ones smile

 The intention of the charity drive was to go out in a fleet of beautiful cars so they could see the smiles on the children’s faces and give a teddy bear to each child they saw in the neighbourhood.

Project Hopeful Hearts SA and Jitas Crew recently held a successful charity drive where they visited several areas in Daveyton, Actonville, Wattville and Benoni and handed out teddy bears to children.


Daveyton charity organisation grateful for donations

Jesse Moonsammy and Binita Bhaga founded Project Hopeful Hearts SA two months ago to promote awareness and take a stand against child trafficking and gender-based violence (GBV).
The charity drive was led by the Jitas Crew, who are a group of friends and car enthusiasts who want to make a difference in society.

“This was our very first event. The motive behind the charity drive is that we want to show support to our women and children and that we stand firm against child trafficking and gender-based violence,” said Moonsammy.


TAG is accepting all unwanted goods for their charity shop

“Everyone keeps posting about it within the comfort of their own homes and no one is doing anything for our children, so we decided to host a charity drive. We got the guys from Jitas Crew to plan a route into areas that need to be targeted when it comes to underprivileged children and less fortunate families,” he said.

“The drive aims to contribute ideas and energy that encourage the youth to start their social ventures and give them the support they need to be successful,” said Billy Ndlovu, a member of Jitas.

The intention of the charity drive was to go out in a fleet of beautiful cars so they could see the smiles on the children’s faces and give a teddy bear to each child they saw in the neighbourhood.


 Visit the Home-Start charity shop

Project Hopeful Heart SA will be hosting another charity drive later this month where they will be donating toiletries, non-perishable food, canned goods, and personal care products.


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