Schools geared up against Covid-19

Emperors Palace is donating a total of R20-million in PPE to 180 schools in Ekurhuleni.

In partnership with the Department of Basic Education, areas of Thembisa, Kathorus, Daveyton and Etwatwa were selected so that schools may remain open and operate safely, allowing learners and educators to complete the academic year.

The project team at Emperors Palace, through one of its broad-based black economic empowerment vehicles, the Infrastructure Fund, selected 180 schools to receive the PPE at a total cost of R20-million.

“Emperors Palace has always prided itself on its CSI initiatives and during this pandemic, it’s important for all corporations to do what they can, no matter how small,” said Emperors Palace trust manager Jenny Findlay.

“The only way to stave off Covid-19 is to adhere to the safety protocols, and to do that PPE is a necessity. But not everyone can afford it, and that’s why we needed to raise our hands and help.”

The first donation took place in Thembisa, where Ikusasa Secondary School received basic PPE and supplies to the value of over R110 000.


Daveyton charity organisation lends a helping hand to those in need during the Covid-19 pandemic


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