Rotarians donate much-needed items to local school

The Rotary Club of Benoni made a donation to a local school in Actonville and could not feel more proud.

On October 9, The Rotary Club of Benoni visited Liverpool Secondary School, in Actonville, to make a donation of masks and sanitisers.

“The club applied for a district grant to help Liverpool Secondary and Willowmoore High,” explained Annie Steijn, past district governor and vice president of the Rotary Club of Benoni.


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“The reason we chose these schools is because each school has an interact club, which is a branch of Rotary for children between 12 and 18.

“This club is then sponsored by a Rotary club, in this instance the Rotary Club of Benoni sponsors a club at both Willowmoore and Liverpool.

A total of 26 five litre bottles of hand sanitiser was donated to the school as well as 300 masks.

“The also host fund-raisers and run projects. These two clubs have been very active in their endeavours.”

The Rotary Club of Benoni’s youth officer Sharol Naidoo oversees the clubs at these schools.

“Liverpool Secondary presently has 156 members in their interact and the teacher taking the lead of the club is Ayesha Choonara. We remain very involved with the interact clubs, assisting their projects,” explained Annie.


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A total of 26 5l bottles of hand sanitiser were donated to the school as well as 300 masks.

“The school was allowed to decide what they needed most related to Covid-19.”

Navin Ramsunder, principal of Liverpool Secondary, expressed his thanks to the Rotary Club of Benoni.
“The donation means a lot to us and we are very grateful.”

If you would like to be a part of the Rotary Club of Benoni or find out more about interact, visit their website at


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