Resident (103) recovers from Covid-19

Faith was born in Germiston and moved to Northmead in 1948.

Faith Launder conquered Covid-19 at 103 years old.

Apart from recovering from the virus, Faith is also the oldest resident at the Old Peoples Home in Howard Avenue, Benoni.

She jokingly said she only survived the virus because she never knew she had it.

Heather Sawyer, of the Old Peoples Home, said Launder tested positive for Covid-19 on July 15 after she showed symptoms.

She was placed into quarantine for 10 days where she was given antibiotics and their resident doctor kept a close eye on her.

The home also put all their residents in self-isolation for two weeks with limited movement around the premises.

“They received all their meals and medication in their rooms and after two weeks residents were allowed to come out,” she said.

Alister Launder, Faith’s son, said after he found out his mother tested positive for the coronavirus he did not worry much because he believed that “things will go the way they should”.

He thanked the staff of the home and those from Eddy House, in Ampthill Avenue, for taking such good are of his mother.

Faith was born in Germiston and moved to Northmead in 1948.

She is the mother of three children, a grandmother to five and great-grandmother.

When asked how she felt about being the oldest survivor at the home, she said that she doesn’t feel any different and gave all the praise to the Lord for being good to her.

The home now permits family visits only via appointment for 30 minutes, with strict Covid-19 protocols in place.

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