Help find missing Daveyton teen

She was last seen in Daveyton on June 28, leaving her home in the afternoon; however, no one knew where she was going.

The Daveyton Police are looking for Pearlrose Cayla Mashaba (16), a Daveyton teenager who was reported missing on June 29.

She was last seen in Daveyton on June 28, leaving her home in the afternoon; however, no one knew where she was going.


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Pearlrose was wearing light blue jeans, a white jacket and blue sneakers at the time.

She has long blue and black braids.

Anyone with information that could assist in finding her is urged to contact WO Rufus Mamabolo on 011 845 9800/ 082 319 9688 or the Benoni FCS unit on 011 747 0220.


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