#Covid-19: Councillor, community jump in with food donations in Crystal Park

The food parcels contain vegetables, canned food, mealie meal, rice, samp, sugar and cooking oil however it differs from the donations we get.

Ward 24 councillor Kabelo Mohonko and ward committee member Solomon Mamabolo delivered food parcels to Crystal Park residents in dire need of assistance, on May 2.

About 50 food parcels have been distributed since the beginning of the lockdown through donations received from community members and various organisations.

Mohonko said they still have 50 more parcels to deliver and she is working closely with the Community Policing Forum (CPF).


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“Different CPF sectors in my area have now grouped themselves so they can be able to assist those who are in need in the ward and to also ensure that the residents don’t get surpluses,” said Mohonko.

“Different organisations in the ward and churches in Cloverdene have decided to do soup kitchens and sandwiches for those we can’t reach at a residential address.”

The food parcels contain vegetables, canned food, mealie meal, rice, samp, sugar and cooking oil however it differs from the donations we get.

Mohonko said this has been an eye-opening challenge; you can’t really say you have done enough to assist everyone.

“It has been tough on us as some of the requests are heavy and at times when you don’t have anything to give, it becomes painful.

“Some homes have been hit extremely hard; some parents are unable to provide for their families however some may have been able before the Covid-19 pandemic, she said.

“Some parents have not yet been paid and others are still waiting for their Unemployment Insurance Fund (uif) and at the same time, they have children to feed.

“So, it is not our place to say who deserves the food parcels and who doesn’t, I am just doing what I’ve been called to do.

“We may not reach everyone’s expectations but the little we get, we give,” she added.

The councilor said she know how hard it is for someone to write a text and say I need a food parcel, hence she is very sensitive about exposing these families.

“It is highly confidential and this is a doctor’s appointment that we look forward to doing but unfortunately, it is where we are as a country and the world.

“ The most painful thing is that you can’t do this as a once-off, you can’t say I’ve given you a 12.5 kg of mealie meal and that should be enough because we don’t know when this will end it could be September or even 2025.

“So we do keep a record of those we have assisted so we can be able to go back and help again were we can,” she said.

Mohonko urges residents to continue lending a helping hand.

“I have received so many donations from residents; they have called me to say councilor I have a few items to donate to the families in need.

“I think my tears are doubled because I get to see the one who gives wholeheartedly and the one who receives wholeheartedly.

“We have had to hold our tears back at times but then you sit in your car and just feel their pain.”

She added that they have been tested for Covid-19; they also wear masks and sanitize themselves so that they don’t put their health at risk or the families.

“We always ask the families to wipe the parcels and items with any home detergents before using them as a precaution.

The Delport family who also received a food parcel said they are very grateful.

“The food parcel will make life a little bit easier and may God bless Mohonko and her team so they can continue to give to others who don’t have.

What to do donate:
• Non-perishable food
• Sanitary pads
• Toiletries
• Washing powder

To get help SMS or WhatsApp Mohonko your name, surname, ID number, address, and contact details.

Those who want to donate can contact Mohonko on 072 992 6697 and she will direct you to the organisations that are making the collections or she will collect the items herself.

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