Mathematician is looking for maths mentors

Classes run from 9am to 10am in Afrikaans and 10am to 11am in English at the Dutch Reformed Church Benoni North, corner of Kerk Street and 11th Avenue.

Mathematician Pierre Jacobs is looking for maths fundis to join their maths mentors programme.

Since the start of the free maths tuition in January for Grade 10, 11 and 12 learners every Saturday, Jacobs said the demand has escalated to the extent that they cannot accommodate all the students on their premises.

Some volunteers are recording and editing the lectures so that learners may have access to the material via their Facebook page, called FreeMath.

“Despite these efforts, there is still a great need among learners for maths tuition.

“To this end, it was decided to initiate a programme of maths mentors. This will entail volunteers who are willing to be trained as maths mentors and who are willing to share their knowledge within their immediate circle of learners,” said Jacobs.

FreeMath will train these candidates to a level of expertise, as they may be considered to qualify as maths mentors.

Grade 11 learners will mentor Grade 10 learners, and Grade 10 learners will mentor Grade Nine learners.


Benoni mathematician giving back by teaching maths free of charge

The training will take place after the normal Saturday maths session at the same venue.

“Since this is an open-source community-driven project, no payment can be made to the mentors for this service as their benefit will be the extra training they receive,” he said.

The mentoring will be monitored by the FreeMath team, but will be done at the time and place convenient to the mentor.

Interested learners can email Jacobs at with their name, grade, school, contact details and why they want to be a mentor.

Learners who are interested in joining the free maths classes can contact Jacobs on 082 3068 478.


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