Etwatwa family want justice for their murdered daughter

The Masilo family are seeking justice after their daughter, Kutlwano Precious, was murdered on February 18 in Etwatwa.

The Masilo family are seeking justice after their daughter, Kutlwano Precious, was murdered on February 18 in Etwatwa.

The family alleges that she was shot six times in front of her mother, grandmother and daughter by an unknown man who came to their home looking for her.

Kutlwano’s grandmother, who didn’t want to be named, said the man demanded to see her grandchild and that’s when she went out of the house to see who was looking for her.

“Before the shooting, Kutlwano asked the man several times who he was and what he wanted from her,” said the sobbing grandmother.

“As Kutlwano questioned the man, he took out a firearm and shot her six times. Even when she was lying down he continued to shoot to make sure that she was dead.”


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The family suspect that this might be due to a rape case that Kutlwano was attending, as she was allegedly receiving death threats from the people who raped her.

“So they suspect that her shooter might have been sent by those people,” said the grandmother.

The hit man was driving a white Polo VW.

Kutlwano’s father, Thulani Nkosi, said he heard gunshots from another street and he rushed to the house to see what was happening, and that’s when he found his daughter lying helplessly on the ground.

“I rushed to Phillip Moyo Hospital with her body, but I could see that she was no more,” said Nkosi.

Kutlwano was part of the Young Communist League (YCL), which groomed her to become the woman she was.

She was described as a bubbly, talkative, independent, ambitious and goal-driven person.

“I was really touched when I heard that Kutlwano is no more, I asked myself if I will ever see my Brenda Fassie , as that is how I used to call her because of her personality,” said Bethuel Shabangu, a YCL member.

The members of the ANCYL Ward 66 and the community marched around the Etwatwa area on February 26 to raise awareness of Kutlwano’s murder.

On February 28 there will be candle-lighting walk in memory of Kutlwano in Emaphupheni around 7.30pm.

The case was reported to the Etwatwa SAPS on February 18.

She will be buried on February 29.

She leaves behind her daughter, mother, father, grandmother and other family members.

The Etwatwa SAPS was contacted for comment, but none was received by the time of publishing.


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