Hoërskool Brandwag matric achievers give advice

The day was filled with mixed emotions from the learners who wrote the exams.

On January 8, the 2019 National Senior Certificate results were released.

Hoërskool Brandwag learners Amore van Tonder (AT) and Eden-Lee Morgan (EM) both excelled with seven distinctions each.

Amore van Tonder

Proud of their results, the City Times spoke to both these stars on how they felt and their plans for the year.


Still hope for disappointed 2019 matrics

How do you feel about your distinctions?

AT: I’m grateful that I was able to achieve my goal for matric 2019.

EM: I am well pleased with my results because I honestly surprised myself.

What challenges did you face in your matric year?

AT: It is challenging maintaining a social, academic as well as cultural life in your most busy and amazing year of school.

EM: One challenge that I faced was finding the correct balance between studying hard and still being able to socialise with my friends and doing sport. Another challenge was to cram in so much work in such a short period.

How did you overcome those challenges, what motivated you?

AT: I was fully motivated by all Brandwag personnel, learners, my deputy team as well as my parents who were with me at every step. My career choice also motivated me to do my absolute best.

EM: Once I found the balance between studying and socialising, everything became less challenging. Taking breaks from schoolwork helped freshen up my brain.

What do you intend on doing this year (study further or work)?

AT: I’m studying a BSc Biological Science this year in aim to reach my lifelong dream of studying MBChB.

EM: I am going to study mechanical engineering at the University of Stellenbosch, and then I want to do my masters in biomedical engineering.

What advice do you have for this year’s learners?

AT: I cannot emphasise this enough – enjoy every single moment because in a blink of an eye it’s all over. Learn like you have never learnt before and you will pick the fruits.

EM: Find balance between the main three ‘S’es: studying, socialising and sport. Plan your week because it is crucial to not fall behind on schoolwork. Give your absolute everything this year because hard work pays off.


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