International president of Lions Club visits Benoni

“There are four Lions Clubs here and we work well together” - Lions member, Beaulieu Maré.

The Lions Clubs International welcomed their 2019/2020 international president Jung-Yul Choi and his wife, Seung-Bok, on their official trip to South Africa.

The Choi’s were requested to meet with the local Lions Clubs, in particular Benoni clubs, at the Lions Brightsight in Benoni CBD.

The couple landed on October 29 and visited the Benoni premises on October 30 where they were welcomed by Lions Clubs of Benoni, Benoni Lakes and Benoni van Rhyn.


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“The Lions Clubs of District 410E are honoured to host the international president and to accompany him on his visits to Lions Clubs and some of the very worthwhile projects in which Lions are involved,” said Benoni Lakes Lions Club member Beaulieu Maré.

Jung-Yul said he has been a lion for 42 years.

“I tour and look for challenges in the community, and then look for solutions for the lions to assist with,” he explained.

“The biggest lesson I have learnt is that we need leadership, a good leadership and a leadership that will help the community.”

Jung-Yul added that to become a lion, the only qualification anyone needs is the willingness to serve.

“Your age is not important, what is important is your willingness to help the community,” he said.

“We have to be the ones who help the community.”

Beaulieu added that it was an honour to have the Choi’s visit the East Rand.

Lions Brightsight helps those who cannot see clearly without glasses, at a cheaper cost.

“We recycle frames,” Beaulieu explained.

“It is an honour to have this facility as the only one in the country.”

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