
Actonville SAPS update

Form a neighborhood watch to get to know your neighbours and create awareness about and commitment towards curbing crime in your area.

The Actonville SAPS is urging residents to build a relationship with their neighbours, so that when they see something suspicious they can alert the police on your behalf.

This comes after a number of burglary cases were reported at the station recently.

On July 12 around 2pm, a Wattville resident came back from work and found her dining room door open and some of her goods stolen.

A case of burglary was opened at the Actonville Police Station.


How to report crime complaints

Actonville SAPS spokesperson Capt Pheello Mothapo said residents should know their neighbours.

“Crime tends to be lower in tight-knit communities because neighbours are more likely to look out for each other and can easily spot a stranger,” said Mothapo.

“Your neighbours and tenants can be one of your best assets in home crime prevention because they offer extra eyes and an outside perspective.”

Mothapo added that if they have a different work or school schedule from yours, they might be around during the day when you’re away and can alert you to any suspicious activity that may occur in your absence.

He said assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm (GBH) and contact crimes are also problematic in the area.

“Most of the assault cases are liquor related, which leads to domestic violence. These cases are a challenge because women don’t report these incidents and when they do they want to drop the charges once they’ve sorted out things with their partners,” said Mothapo.

“We discourage women not to drop these charges.”

Mothapo said before a person can drop any case they first inform them about the disadvantages of doing that.

The spokesperson urges residents to attend community meetings and awareness campaigns so they can share their concerns.

“Residents must remember that they can report crime anonymously and they should. Any crime, no matter how small they think it is. They can also join the CPF or become reservists.”

To report crime contact your sector vehicle or manager on:

• Sector One and Two (Actonville and Emandleni) – Const Thabiso Senne on 071 675 6738 or 071 675 6740.

• Sector Three and Four (Wattville, Rooikamp, Tentown, Harry Gwala, Tamboville and Spoornet) – Const Bhekuyise Khoza on 071 675 6743 or 071 675 6745.

• Sector vehicles: 071 675 6739 or 071 675 6744.

• Client service centre: 011 964 6000.

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