Outpouring of sympathy for mom and son

Lynne was overwhelmed by the support the community has shown

Benonians opened their hearts following the page three story in a recent edition of the City Times,  “Poverty-stricken mother wants better life for her paraplegic son” about Lynne Cooks and her son, Jamie, who are in need of help.

Donations of all sorts were brought to the City Times, including a wheelchair which is only three months old and a never-used two-plate gel stove, clothing, bedding, pots and pans, groceries, toiletries and even a snazzy handbag for Lynne (who was thrilled to have a real bag to use instead of a plastic bag).

Donations of craft materials Lynne and Jamie can use to make items to sell have also been pledged.

The Benoni SPCA also visited the premises and removed most of the cats for rehoming and will be assisting to sterilise others.

The City Times has been in touch with the Benoni Lakes Lions Club which has said they will endevour to help Jamie with a free eye test.

Among the organisations which made a donation was The Salvation Army, which gave the family a food parcel and four blankets despite their own critical need for donations to look after the homeless and needy.

Despite the many offers of help, Lynne remains desperate to get Jamie into a home for paraplegics where he can receive the proper treatment he needs for his condition, Friedreich ataxia.

This is a genetic condition that affects the nervous system and causes movement problems.

It has already affected his speech, hearing and eyesight.

Lynne is his caregiver 24 hours a day, which is physically and emotionally demanding on her. Jamie last had a medical examination nine years ago.

The City Times is making contact with several organisations which may be able to help facilitate Jamie going into a home where he can get the care he needs.

“What you (the City Times) have done for us is amazing. Nobody has ever given us this much time and taken such effort to help us,” she said.

“I am so grateful to everyone who responded to my plea for help. Thank you.”


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