Lend a helping hand to children at iKhaya

“We are only able to be a fully functional unit and continue to grow with help from our community”

iKhaya da Luz is a children’s safe haven and foster home based in Benoni Small Farms.

The NPO provides care, love, nourishment, guidance to children who are neglected, abused, abandoned and orphaned.


Donate to The Street Store in Northmead

Their objectives comprise of:

• Providing foster care for children who are removed from immediate danger or who are at risk.

• Providing a permanent home for children who are not reunified with their parents or family until they are of age.

• Rendering family and parent counsel and guidance services.

• Creating awareness specifically through schools where the community is conscious and able to identify children at risk and take urgent action if necessary.

“We are fairly new and this is our fourth year in service, so we are in great need of getting donors and sponsors on board,” explained co-director Ana Pinto Le Roux.

“One of our children was recently presented with an amazing opportunity of spending a year in Germany as an exchange student.

“However, this will only be possible if we are able to raise the R40 000 for costs and hopefully a little more for her personal and travelling expenses while she is there.

“It is a large amount so we are appealing to the corporates and to our Benoni Community to come on board and help with the cause.

“Even though she had a difficult childhood, she is courageous, forgiving and always makes the best of any situation.

“She is a great student, caring and loving, extremely talkative with a great sense of humour and will be an excellent ambassador for her school, community and country.”

The said child expressed her thoughts on the opportunity.

“My life has had a couple of unexpected turns in the past four years,” said the child.

“I live in a foster home with eleven other foster siblings.

“I definitely would not have imagined myself to be so privileged to have been given this amazing opportunity!

“What started as a little sparkle of hope has now turned into reality, but with everything in life a lot of work has to be done and hopefully with a little help from friends and family I’ll get to see my hopes materialise.”

The home is also in need of other basic necessities such as food, toiletries and other general items.

“We are only able to be a fully functional unit and continue to grow with help from our community,” explained Ana

“Every little bit is welcome in any form.

“Be it fresh produce, groceries, toiletries, stationery, clothing, educational toys or your time.”

For more information contact the home on 082 454 9237 or email them at ikhayadaluz@perfectlyfree.co.za.

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