Living-donor liver transplant brings hope for Petit toddler

Last year, the three-year-old suffered a cardiac arrest and is dependent on chronic medication for her survival.

Petit toddler Chi-Nelri Smith (3) will undergo a living-donor liver transplant on April 9 at the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits) Donald Gordon Medical Clinic in Johannesburg, following a positive match identified from a close relative of the family.

This comes after the toddler required the transplant in order to significantly reduce her cholesterol count, which recently escalated to 30, according to her mother Chivon.


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Previously, Chi-Nelri was diagnosed with familial hypercholesterolaemia characterised by higher than normal levels of low-density lipoprotein (unhealthy) blood cholesterol in the body.

“Out of eight possible donors, Chi-Nelri’s aunt was the only blood relative to come out as a match,” explained Chivon.

While the family is relieved with the positive match, other concerns have since surfaced.

“We were told the operation will be a 50-50 chance for Chi-Nelri’s survival.

“The sores on her body, because of the cholesterol, have also gotten worse.


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“One of the other concerns we have is the risk of infection as her immune system is very vulnerable at present,” said Chivon.

Chi-Nelri will be required to stay in hospital for four to six months after the procedure and then a further six months at home.

This will result in Chivon staying home from work to take care of Chi-Nelri, leaving the household financial responsibility entirely to her husband, Steve.

The family psychologist advised they spend as much time as possible with Chi-Nelri to get them through the tough time ahead.

“Von-Veve (7), my eldest daughter, is struggling with the situation because she doesn’t know what the outcome of the transplant will be.

“We were told to have a bucket list for the two of them to complete.

“So far they’ve told us they want to ride a unicorn, bake and fly together, among other things.

“We don’t know what will happen, but we have faith and we keep praying as this is the only thing that gets us by,” she said.


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Chivon said both she and Steve were grateful for all the support they received from family members and friends.

The City Times contacted Chi-Nelri’s aunt for comment.

While she wished to remain anonymous, the Free State resident said she felt it was an honour to be able to help the toddler.

“I think anyone in the family would want to help her,” explained the relative.

“We tried every possible option and I came out as the only eligible donor.

“It was a rather long process that started when basic tests were conducted in October.

“In January, more tests were done and then a few weeks ago we were told I’m a match.

“I’m no hero because anyone of Chi-Nelri’s family members would have done this for her.

“I do have a low iron count, which was initially a concern, but I have been receiving weekly treatments to raise the iron count before April 9.

“All we want is for the operation to be a success and I believe it will be with God guiding us.”

To offer support for Chi-Nelri contact Chivon via email on or call her on 071 333 5906.

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