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Celebrating weight-loss by entering bikini competition

"When you struggle to stay motivated, revisit your goals."

Karen van Zyl’s constant battle with weight motivated to her to enter the IFBB SA Novice Competition on May 5 at the Krugersdorp Centenary Hall.

The 47-year-old Bredell resident spoke to the City Times about her experience.

What made you enter the competition?

I was lying in bed in May 2015 recovering from a hysterectomy and saw a photo on Facebook of a friend of mine who completely transformed herself and was entering her first bikini competition.

She looked smoking hot, and right then and there I decided I will challenge myself to do the same.

What is the competition all about?

I am an affiliated athlete with the International Federation of Body Building (IFBB SA) and competed in my first competition as a novice in the Bikini Fitness Division.

This division is aimed at women who keep their body in shape and eat healthily.

What was your biggest challenge when you were preparing for the competition?

Competition preparation is hard, it takes a lot of time, effort and dedication.

I learned quickly how competing is more so a mental game than anything.

The strength it takes to push past your cravings, aches and lack of motivation is incredible.

What did it mean for you entering this type of competition?

I finally got through a 12-week prep and stepped on stage which was incredible.

I have never been more excited to just showcase all the hard work I did, for me.

I didn’t care to place or get a trophy because I knew that I already won.

I got myself to the point I never thought was possible.

I grew stronger not only physically, but also mentally and emotionally.

Could you briefly explain your journey with weight and exercise and what the triggers were?

After my divorce in 1997, I weighed an unhealthy 48kg, skinny but not healthy.

I slowly picked up some weight, especially after meeting my husband in 2000.

I went from climbing Kilimanjaro in 2010 and competing in the Two Oceans Marathon in 2016 to not even being able to run a 5km.


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I stopped training and not to mention the shocking binge eating that took me from 58 to an obese 83kg.

In 2008, I lost 17kg but also lost myself, I was losing weight for all the wrong reasons, to impress other people.

Jump to 2017, this was the year of my food epiphany.

What started off as just an attempt to lose weight became a complete lifestyle change.

I have been an emotional eater for as long as I can remember and in doing so my eating habits became detrimental to my health.

How did you overcome this?

I started my Slender Wonder journey on May 14, 2017, and reached my goal weight on December 15, 2017, and 24kg lost in seven months.

Karen van Zyl (47) entered the IFBB SA Novice Competition on May 5 at the Krugersdorp Centenary Hall. Photo: Soulby Jackson Photography.

Dr Sharon Lion-Cachet is my doctor, I continue to see her monthly.

She has been an incredible support on this journey, she encouraged me all the way, picked me up from the floor when I hit a bump in the road and celebrated all my victories with me.

What would you like people to know who may be going through the same thing?

Work out, eat well, be patient and your body will reward you.

A little progress each day adds up to big results.

When you struggle to stay motivated, revisit your goals.

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