Red Ants remove 300 shacks

EMPD Public Order Policing members halted an attempted land invasion by members of the public in Wattville on Sunday, March 12.

The land is near a bridge between Actonville and Wattville, near Kekana Street.

EMPD spokesperson Lieut-Col Wilfred Kgasago said the attempted land grab was stopped and one person, who had already erected a shack, was arrested for attempted murder and possession of an unlicensed firearm.

“When the squatters, who had erected close to 300-odd shacks were intent on staying – even after the local councillor had tried to talk them out of their illegal activity – a stern warning was issued to them to bring down the shacks and vacate the place by Saturday evening (March 11),” said Kgasago.

On Sunday morning (March 12), the squatters were still refusing to demolish the illegal structures.

“The authorities were left with no option but to take the drastic action of demolishing the shacks and confiscating the materials,” said Kgasago.

According to Actonville SAPS spokesperson Capt Ramothakhi Maqabe, the Red Ants removed people from the Emlotheni informal settlement.

“While busy destroying shacks one of the residents produced a firearm and started shooting randomly, and when he saw police approaching him, he ran away,” said Maqabe.

“Const Hlakudi Motimela and Const Dina Mokoena chased the man and caught up with him at the entrance of the Wattville hostel.”

Maqabe said the suspect was found with a 9mm pistol.

The 28-year-old man was arrested for attempted murder, and being in possession of an unlicensed firearm and ammunition.

Also read: Human Rights Commission to look at N12 informal settlement

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