Man arrested for attempted murder

A man was arrested for attempted murder and being in possession of an unlicensed firearm and ammunition, in Wattville, on March 12, at around 2pm.

According to Actonville SAPS spokesperson Capt Ramothakhi Maqabe, the Red Ants security was removing people from the Emlotheni informal settlement.

“While busy destroying shacks, one of the residents produced a firearm and started shooting randomly and when he saw police approaching him, he ran away,” said Maqabe.

“Const Hlakudi Motimela and Const Dina Mokoena chased the man and caught up with him at the entrance of the Wattville hostel.”

Maqabe added that the suspect was found with a 9mm pistol.

The man was arrested and detained at Actonville Police Station.

The suspect will appear in the Benoni Magistrate’s Court soon.

Also read: Man rushes person to hospital after allegedly stabbing him

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