Ramaphosa: ‘Don’t shy away from talking about sex’

“One condom, one round; no condom, no sex,” was the message deputy president Cyril Ramaphosa shared at the Sinaba Stadium in Daveyton today (December 1).

He was speaking at a World Aids Day event, alongside Ekurhuleni mayor Mzwandile Masina and Health Minister Dr Aaron Motsoaledi.

Ramaphosa said about seven million people are currently living with HIV and 3,4-million are on anti-retrovirals in South Africa.

There are about 2 000 new infections that are recorded each week, in the country.

He said that it’s up to each individual to protect themselves against infection.

“We need to act now; if we don’t act now, the lives of many South Africans will be put at risk,” said Ramaphosa.

“We need to look at combating the spread of HIV.”

Ramaphosa stated that behaviour and attitudes towards relationships needs to change.

“South Africans need to take a collective and personal responsibility; and take action without fail,” he added.

The deputy president shed light on the fact that children are seeking sexual education from their parents – and said parents shouldn’t be shy, when it comes to talking about sex.

“We need to speak freely and openly about sex and HIV, in schools and at home,” he said.

Ramaphosa encouraged young people to abstain from sex and from having multiple sexual partners.

He told them to seek help from parents, grandparents, teachers and healthcare workers – should they find themselves in a situation where they’re infected.



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Exclusive: Watch 1st person receive new HIV vaccine

Living Positively: 7 famous people living with HIV/Aids

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