Ter Bruggen bags top award

Brentwood Park resident Holly ter Bruggen, a product of Benoni High School, received the award for the best LLB student at the University of South Africa (Unisa) for 2015, from the Gauteng Law Council.

She also received the Johannes Voet Bar Medal from the Pretoria Society of Advocates, for the same achievement.

The award was presented to ter Bruggen on October 8 at the Bytes Conference Centre.

“I’m extremely proud of myself, as I doubted myself so often along the way, but have now proven to myself that hard work always pays off,” she said.

She’s currently serving her articles at Webber Wentzel and looks forward to being admitted as an attorney.

“Receiving the news of my award was extremely unexpected and humbling,” ter Bruggen elaborated.

“I’d made many sacrifices throughout my studies and pushed myself to the limit at times.

“It was therefore incredible to be recognised for the endless hours I put into my degree.”

The 25-year-old said a career in law can take on many different forms, which is why she loves the field so much.

“Over and above my personal achievement, this is also a well-deserved recognition and acknowledgement of my ever supportive family, who carried me through,” explained ter Bruggen.

“Without them, I would never have been able to stick it out or push so hard – and for that I’m forever indebted to them.”

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Passion for youth gives birth to academy

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