SPCA donations slowing down

With just over a month left before the Benoni SPCA Cheer Fund closes, donations seem to be slowing down.

The most recent donation came from an anonymous person (R500) on November 8.

The Benoni SPCA Cheer Fund donations have surpassed the R6 000 mark since the first article in the City Times, dated October 7.

Anyone who donates to the fund and wants their donations to be acknowledged in the City Times, can email their name and the amount of the donation to sheinar@caxton.co.za

Each week, the previous week’s contributions will be published.

The society is welcoming children and young adults between the ages of six and 18 years for an SPCA tour at a fee of R150 per person.

This money will be placed in the Cheer Fund, which will be used to build a veterinary clinic on the premises.

The tour will be held every second Friday, from 2.30pm to 3.30pm, until January 20.

Tour dates are: November 25, December 9 and 23, and January 6 and 20.

According to SPCA manager Vicky Finnemore, each person will receive a goodie-bag and an educational tour of the premises, at 3 Klein Street, Lakefield.

All the participants will be photographed during each tour and published in the City Times.

Entry fees are payable to the SPCA, with the child’s name and surname, by the Wednesday prior to the Friday of the tour date.

Also read: Dozens of neglected and dead animals found in ‘house of horrors’

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