Residents can finally blow the whistle on crime

After several months of planning, the Western Extension Residents (WER) will finally receive their whistles.

A meeting was held at Grapes Pub and Restaurant on Wednesday night (October 26) to hand over 300 whistles to the block captains in the area and to discuss the budget for the year ahead.

“We need to establish how much money is needed to repair the damages in Western Extension, like the roads and pipes and so forth,” said Western Extension resident and business owner, Julie Venner.

Venner asked block captains to collect their whistles from the retsaurant to distribute to people on their designated street.

The call to clean up the Western Extension area came after the murder of the late Fakrudeen Muthalib (co-owner of The Benoni Butcher Co.) in March which had residents up in arms to stand together against crime.

This goal led to the formation of the Western Extension Residents (WER) group in April, which has since managed to devise a plan of action.

The whistle initiative was established to help residents whistle for help when they are in trouble.

Each whistle has a label with relevant emergency numbers and the sponsors of the initiative.

“We are still welcoming sponsors to invest in these whistles,” said Venner.

Anyone who would like to know more about the whistle initiative may contact:

•Mary Goby: 082 679 7109

•Debbie Dos Reis: 071 161 1168

•Julie Venner: 082 497 1997

Also read: Whistle blown on crime

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