Understanding your councillors and their roles

According schedule five of the Municipal Structures Act, all councillors for all municipalities in South Africa, have to abide by a code of conduct which requires them to, among other things, act as an intermediary between the community and council.

Councillors are required to provide services equitably, effectively and sustainably within the means of the municipality.

According to the Act, councillors’ roles are as follows:

•Perform the functions of office in good faith, honesty and a transparent manner and act in such a way that the credibility and integrity of the municipality are not compromised.

•Attend each meeting of the municipal council and of a committee of which that councillor is a member, except when their leave of absence is granted or they withdraw from the meeting in terms of this Code.

•Disclose to the municipal council, or to any committee of which that councillor is a member, any direct or indirect personal or private business interest that that councillor, or any spouse, partner or business associate of that councillor may have in any matter before the council or the committee.

A councillor who, or whose spouse, partner, business associate or close family member, acquired or stands to acquire any direct benefit from a contract concluded with the municipality, must disclose full particulars of the benefit of which the councillor is aware at the first meeting of the municipal council at which it is possible for the councillor to make the disclosure.

This section does not apply to an interest or benefit which a councillor, or a spouse, partner, business associate or close family member, has or acquires in common with other residents of the municipality.

•When elected or appointed, a councillor must, within 60 days, declare in writing to the municipal manager their financial interests, which include their shares in companies, or any form of financial income that the councillor may receive.

They must also state any conflicting interest with the municipality to avoid the suspicion that the tenders were only given to the councillor after their employment.

•A councillor who is a full-time councillor may not undertake any other paid work, except with the consent of a municipal council which consent shall not unreasonably be withheld.

•A councillor may not request, solicit or accept any reward, gift or favour for persuading the council or committee and disclosing confidential information.

•A councillor may not encourage or participate in any conduct which would cause or contribute to maladministration in the council.

•A councillor may not use, take, acquire or benefit from any property or asset owned, controlled or managed by the municipality to which that councillor has no right.

These are your Benoni ward councillors:

•Ward 23 – Clr Andre du Plessis: 083 665 8187

•Ward 24 – Clr Kabelo Mahonko: 072 992 6697

•Ward 25 – Clr Pieter Henning: 083 626 3563

•Ward 27 – Clr Jacques Meiring: 079 214 7902

•Ward 28 – Clr Malanie Haggard: 074 543 3992

•Ward 29 – Clr Haseena Ismail: 082 378 4991

•Ward 30 – Clr Stephen Sibiya: 073 325 6646

•Ward 73 – Clr Sinethemba Matiwane: 082 390 4839

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