What the by-laws say about fireworks

Fireworks may be discharged in residential areas without a fireworks permit, according to EMPD spokesperson Lieut-Col Wilfred Kgasago

He said the discharge of fireworks is provided for in the Gauteng Noise Control Regulations (1999) Regulation 9(b), and the EMPD Services By-Laws Section 42 (2), under the heading “Disturbance of the Peace”, of the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM). He said people in residential areas may discharge fireworks and there is no restriction on time. However, if the metro police receive a complaint about the disturbance of peace, an officer will be sent to the area of concern. “We rely heavily on the public phoning us,” said Kgasago. After assessment, an officer may choose to issue a fine or warning. In the event of a fireworks display that is part of a public event, a fireworks permit is required, which can be obtained from an EMPD precinct office. Kgasago said people are always advised to consult the EMPD before they discharge fireworks, in order for the metro police to determine whether a permit is required. Under the Gauteng Noise Control Regulations a fine not exceeding R20 000 may be issued, while a fine of no more than R1 000 may be issued under the EMPD Services By-Laws Section 42 (2). To report the disturbance of peace, call the Ekurhuleni Call Centre on 0860 543 000.   Follow these tips to keep your pets safe: •More family pets will run away from home during holidays involving fireworks than any other days of the year As a precautionary measure in case your pets are frightened and run away, make sure your animals have identification tags or microchips to ensure that they are returned safely when they are found. •If possible, stay home with your animals •If you can’t be home with your animals, keep them inside •Make sure that your pets have access to their favourite “safe place” or find a quiet, comfortable, enclosed room where your pets can “hide” if they need to •Ensure that they cannot break through a window or slip out of a door •Attempt to mask any noise by drawing curtains and playing calming music at a reasonable volume •Put familiar and comforting things around them such as toys, baskets etc. •Provide them with something to do such as giving your dog a chewy bone or lots of catnip or a catnip toy for felines •If your pets do react badly to fireworks, then seek professional advice from your veterinarian ahead of time •Ensure your pets have a hearty and nutritious meal around nightfall. This will make them more likely to be sleepy Follow us on these platforms: Like our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter. For news straight to your phone invite us: WhatsApp: 079 431 2006 Instagram: benonicitytimes.co.za

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