Matiwane chose Benoni as his home

Sinethemba Matiwane has a special place in his heart for Benoni. Although he was born in the Eastern Cape and lived in the Western Cape before moving to Benoni, he chose to make Benoni his permanent home after relocating in 2014.

BCT: You were not born in Benoni, so what makes Benoni special to you?

SM: Benoni is important to me since I have made it my home. The town is small and has a different vibe.

It is a very cosmopolitan community where you meet people with different backgrounds.

BCT: Tell us about your life growing up.

SM: I was born in the province of leaders, the Eastern Cape, and I am the oldest child from both my mother and father’s side.

BCT: Tell us about your decision to run as Ward 73 councillor as well as your previous jobs?

SM: I have been involved in politics since 2005 when I joined student movements at university.

In my department I was elected shop steward to represent workers in the workplace.

BCT: Who was your role model when you grew up?

SM: The late Nelson Mandela is my role model.

My mother bought the book “Long Walk to Freedom” while I was a teenager and gave it to me as a birthday present.

What I love about his story is that he was selfless and put the needs of others above his own happiness.

BCT: Did you initially become involved with politics as a career or a hobby?

SM: As a hobby.

I joined a political party and participated in the community after work and on weekends.

Various people actually approached me and asked me to stand for ward councillor. They convinced me that I have the right heart to serve the community and here I am as an elected public representative.

BCT: What degrees do you have?

SM: I have a national diploma in management, which I obtained from Cape Peninsula University of Technology.

BCT: Tell us a bit about your hobbies?

SM: I love working with people, reading or playing soccer. I support Orlando Pirates.

BCT: What are your future plans with regards to your dreams, and your career?

SM: I plan on improving myself and will be enrolling for a bachelor’s degree at one of the universities next year.

I believe that education is the key to a prosperous country.

Also read:

Getting to know your new ward councillor


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