Women of the Benoni Trefoil Guild soldier on

The Benoni Trefoil Guild members are few in number, but these women continue to do good things in the Benoni community.

To help various organisations and institutions, the members of the guild have a stall at the Bunny Park Craft Market every month, where they sell knitted and sewn items and donated goods to raise funds.

Volunteers knit and sew for them.

Their current projects include the KwaThema Simulation Centre for mentally and physically disabled pre-school children and the Lingelethu Home of the Aged and Disabled for the elderly in Modderbee, to which they donate food, clothing and reading glasses for residents.

They also receive donations and sponsorships towards the upkeep of their Blue Forest Regional Headquarters in Rynfield.

The 14 current members all began as Girl Guides in their younger days, then all joined the Benoni Trefoil Guild in 1996, which started a journey of lasting friendship and fellowship with one another.

“We all are supportive of each others ideas and of each other,” guild secretary Barbara Hayward said.

She and the other guild members take pride in maintaining a close bond which, Hayward said, came through training.

On the third Saturday of every month the members meet, either at an outing or at someone’s home, with a speaker or to do an activity.

A recent outing saw the guild women visit the Swan Lake Tea Garden in Boksburg, where they learnt about exotic swans.

“We have been to the SAA Museum, had lunch at Rietvlei Dam, we’ve taken a walk through Kensington and have enjoyed some line dancing,” said Hayward.

To be a member of the Trefoil Guild you need to share the same care for helping people and to follow and adhere to every promise made by every guild member.

This includes the promise to do your best, to do your duty before your God and your country, to help other people and to keep the Guide Law.

The Trefoil Guild is a non-uniformed branch of the Girl Guide Association, for members not active in guiding, but who wish to still be involved in the movement.

The name “trefoil” refers to the three leaves of the Girl Guide logo, and their aim is to keep the spirit of the Girl Guide promise and law, support worthy causes and maintain the friendships made within the guild movement.

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