Community saddened by Goby’s departure

Some residents were shocked to find out that Ward 28's Clr Mary Goby will not be standing for re-election for another term in office, in the upcoming municipal elections.

This news came as a shock to Goby, herself, who said she was notified via email by the DA that she had been nominated as a proportional representative [PR] councillor instead.

“After thinking long and hard about it, I asked for my name to be removed from the list, because I felt it was not for me,” she said.

“I wanted to be a ward councillor and be more hands on with the residents.”

Goby could not understand the recent turn of events, due to her allegedly being part of a list of the top five achievers as a ward councillor for the last three years in Ekurhuleni.

“I was told that I had not met certain criteria, although nobody can tell me what criteria I didn’t meet,” she said.

“I want to know what I did wrong; I want closure so I can move forward.”

When residents heard that Goby would no longer be their ward councillor, they sent petitions and emails in the hopes that the DA electoral college would change their minds.

“What they did to Mary is wrong, they did more damage than good,” said Western Extension resident Debbie Dos Reis,

“My kids don’t want to vote because of the way that things have been done; it’s not right.

“Residents don’t want to vote.”

Local business owners also voiced out their disapproval of the DA’s decision.

“It is to the determent of our community that Mary is no longer our DA representative in our area, because she goes above and beyond her duty as councillor in our area,” said Grapes Pub and Restaurant owner Julie Venner.

“She is always available to help other communities.”

Goby said she will be working for The 100% Foundation in Rynfield and will continue raising funds and doing charity work, something that she holds close to her heart.

According to Michele Clarke, a member of the provincial legislature, Goby went through an electoral process along with other DA candidates.

“We have grown as a party and we have young talent that is emerging onto the market,” she said.

According to Clarke, the elective process was fair, open and transparent and, unfortunately, Goby was not ranked as high as the other candidates.

“I am very sad for Mary, this is very disappointing for all of us,” she added.

Also read:

Elections 2016: What to do on voting day

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