
Council approves report for Benoni Country Club public participation process

The Benoni Country Club (BCC) executive committee needs the full support of the Benoni community.

This comes after the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality council, in its ordinary council meeting on Thursday, June 23, approved the report to initiate a public participation process to determine the opinion of the community towards the possible development/future use of the property, which includes the strong possibility of selling the land.

CLICK HERE for the initial story on the possible BCC development

BCC’s executive committee, on Sunday, July 17, received correspondence from a municipal official, stating that the proposed public participation meeting is planned to take place at the BCC on the night of Wednesday, August 17, at 7pm, when the feelings of the members and the Benoni community at large will be gauged.

On March 4, the notice of termination of the lease agreement in respect of BCC (issued in December, last year) was officially withdrawn by the metro, although, at the time, spokesman Themba Gadebe stated that current legislation requires the municipality to first initiate a public participation process to determine the opinion of the community towards the possible development of the subject property.

CLICK HERE for the story on the termination of lease agreement

“The EMM council will soon consider a report regarding the envisaged public participation process, the outcome of which cannot be predicted at this stage,” he said.

“However, it is worth considering that the cancellation of the lease has nothing to do with the outcome of the public participation process.”

In other answers to questions submitted in February, Gadebe said that the public participation process must be in accordance with Section 21A of the Municipal Systems Act, 2000, which requires the placement of a notice in the local newspaper or the area, and those determined by council as a newspaper of record.

“Copies of the newspaper notices will be displayed at the Benoni CCA offices,” he added.

According to the club’s executive committee, this has not happened and no notices have been seen in local press or on notice boards around council’s offices, although the committee has received confirmation of the approval from a municipal official.

CLICK HERE for a brief history of the Benoni Country Club.

The City Times submitted an official request for comment to the metro on Monday, July 18, to provide clarity on the proposed public participation meeting, among other questions relating to the prospective development overall.


Council confirms August 17 for BCC public participation process

The metro confirmed, on Wednesday, July 20, that the public participation process, in light of the possible development of the Benoni Country Club (BCC), will indeed go ahead on the night of Wednesday, August 17.

Metro spokesman Themba Gadebe responded to the questions submitted by City Times sports journalist Logan Green.

Themba Gadebe.

LG: The item “ITEM A-F (29-2016)” was passed at the June 23, 2016 Ekurhuleni ordinary council meeting, held in the Germiston Council Chambers. Will the metro confirm that the item named above has been approved to initiate the public participation report, to determine the opinion of the community to the possible development/future use of the property (the remainder of portion 27 of the farm Vlakfontein 69 IR)?

TG: Yes, the public participation process will be conducted by council.

LG: What does the approval of the said item mean for the Benoni Country Club and for the potential development of the property overall?

TG: The approved item gives the city manager of the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM) the authority to conduct a public participation process.

LG: Will or has EMM advertised the proposed public participation meeting in any local press or on any notice boards?

TG: It will be advertised in the local newspaper (Benoni City Times).

LG: It is believed that the public participation meeting will take place on Wednesday, August 17, at 7pm, at the Benoni Country Club Hall, is this confirmed? Again, has it been confirmed in community print?

TG: The public participation meeting will take place on August 17, 2016, at 7pm, at the Benoni Country Club, Main Hall, Morris Avenue, Morehill, Benoni. Yes, it will be confirmed in print newspapers as well.

LG: It is expected that the Benoni Country Club will be developed into a housing estate/village. Will the EMM confirm the company/companies that are pushing for this deal?

TG: No company has been appointed by council.

LG: Is the metro aware of the Notarial Deed of Gift Agreement signed in 1951 between the then Benoni Town Council and the then Van Ryn Golf Club, where the club arranged with the council to “donate all its assets (with the exception of the club liquor licence and its stocks of liquor) to council, in order to promote and foster the running of a country club” on the said property, and other agreed terms and conditions? What is the metro’s response to this?

TG: The EMM is aware of the Notarial Deed of Gift Agreement signed in 1951. Should council resolve to develop the property all agreements, relevant legal documents and applicable legislations will be taken into consideration.

LG: How long will the public have from the date of the public participation meeting to submit their objections?

TG: The public will have thirty (30) days from the date of publication of the notice for the public participation meeting in the local newspaper.

BELOW: The Notarial Deed of Gift Agreement signed in 1951 between the then Benoni Town Council and the then Van Ryn Golf Club.

Other previous articles and letters:

Metro responds to Country Club lease issue

Hands off the Benoni Country Club

Don’t take our country club

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