Brains, beauty, brands, blogs – she takes it all

You wouldn’t be mistaken for thinking that Irina Domanchuk (25) has it all.

The former Benoni High School pupil is a mathematician by degree and a make-up obsessed, cat-loving Farrarmere fashionista.

She manages a beauty brand called Urban Decay which is soon to hit South African shores and stores, all while running a popular blog,, and trotting around the globe.

BCT: Tell us about your heritage and your life in Benoni?

ID: I have been living in Benoni since my teenage years (after moving to South Africa from the Ukraine), and even after finishing varsity and starting my first job I chose not to move away because this place has been my home for many years.

BCT: What makes a true Benonian?

ID: I think it’s a state of mind, rather than one of residence. Once a Benonian, always a Benonian!

BCT: As you say on your biography on the blog, you are a mathematician by degree, why then did you decide to pursue with the blog?

ID: Mathematics is a very structured science which is what I love about it, but, while studying I felt like I needed a creative outlet, something to add spontaneity to my life. I have always enjoyed writing, and reading blogs was one of my favourite pastimes. I decided to merge the two and that’s how “I’ll Take It All” was born.

BCT: The blog just celebrated three years online, what, in your opinion, has made it a success? How has it changed and evolved over that time?

ID: When I first started the blog it was solely a fashion and beauty blog. I started it for myself and within time it grew to be an online platform where people could go to for outfit inspiration, beauty reviews and make-up tips. One of the biggest beauty companies in South Africa noticed it and invited me for a job interview to launch a new make-up brand into the country which, of course, I never saw coming. I still keep the fashion part of things going, but, I am mainly focusing it now on travel and lifestyle as that’s where my interests lie at the moment. It was always just me writing about my passions and remaining true to myself.

BCT: You have been fortunate to travel to a number of places. What has been your favorite destination and what uncharted territories are you still eyeing out?

ID: Paris still has to be my favourite destination by far. It completely took my breath away with its grand beauty. Budapest and Dubai are the runners-up when it comes to beautiful cities that I’ve enjoyed, and I love Mauritius for its clear blue seas and sandy beaches. Next I am heading off to Barcelona in September and then Zanzibar over the December holidays.

BCT: Blogging has been something of a phenomenon with the rise of the internet. Why do you think it has become so popular?

ID: The main reason I have always enjoyed reading blogs is the personal touch and “real-ness” factor of it. I love that I can see an average girl like me wear a dress from Mr Price that I can incorporate easily into my wardrobe. It is relatable and genuine.

BCT: What are some of the newest trends in fashion at the moment?

ID: I am really enjoying the ’70s trend of peasant blouses, retro prints and high-waisted bell bottoms that have come into play again. This winter it has been all about this throwback style.

BCT: The City Times has just invested in a new khaki safari suit and a slick pair of Crocs. What do you make of our fashion sense?

ID: Hopefully you only plan on wearing such outfits to a trip to the bush! No Crocs should be allowed in the city (that’s both the animal and the shoe).

BCT: Where can Benonians follow you on social media?

ID: I am on Instagram and Twitter as @irinadoman and you can also find my blogs page on Facebook as “I’ll Take it All Blog”.

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