
Teenager arrested for taking pistol to school

A 17-year-old high school pupil was arrested for carrying an unlicensed firearm to school.

EMPD officers were tipped off about a pupil at a high school in Daveyton, who regularly brings a firearm to school.

According to EMPD spokesperson Lieut-Col Wilfred Kgasago, the pupil was arrested and his firearm was confiscated at noon on June 9, after a week of Metro police monitoring him.

“Fellow pupils were concerned with the pupil carrying a firearm at school and pestering them as to how he could obtain more rounds,” said Kgasago.

“The arrested learner stays with his mother and brother in Etwatwa.

“Investigations are underway to obtain statement from the father, whose work takes him away from home for lengthy periods, and also to find out how the learner acquired the firearm.”

The pupil was detained at the Etwatwa Police Station.

Kgasago said forensic tests will also be done on the firearm.

Meanwhile, the pupil, who is currently writing examinations will be released in the custody of his mother until investigations are completed.

The school’s name could not be confirmed at the time of publication.

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