Truckload of booze disappears overnight

A truck carrying around R1-million worth of liquor has disappeared with its driver.

The truck’s two trailers were reportedly found on a plot in Geldenhuys Street, Putfontein, with a portion of the liquor on them.

The discovery was made on May 25, at around 4.40am.

The truck reportedly picked up its load in Wattville on May 24, at around 5pm.

It was destined for Maputo with the load, travelling via the N12 eastbound.

The truck had a tracker installed and as soon as it took the Springs off-ramp, the owner called the driver to find out what was happening.

According to Lieut Nomsa Sekele, Ekurhuleni Central SAPS Cluster spokesperson, the driver told the truck’s owner he had become lost and was on his way back to the highway.

“The owner monitored the truck and, at 7pm, the tracker’s signal disappeared, after which he called the driver a second time,” Sekele said.

“There was no answer.

“At around 10.30pm that night, the tracker signal went on again.

“The owner then went to the origin of the signal, at an abandoned plot in Putfontein.”

Sekele said the truck’s two trailers were found on the plot, with two pallets of liquor on them.

She said the truck, most of the liquor and the driver were still missing.

A case of theft was opened at the Putfontein Police Station.

Also read: SAPS nets nine in roadblock

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