Developing children through sport

Children are being kept active and on the straight and narrow through the newly-launched Actonville Development Programme.

The programme, which was started just over two months ago, seeks to develop children through sport.

“The whole objective is a prevention programme,” said the programme secretary and public relations officer, Ralph Changane.

“Actonville is actually plagued with a drug problem and the project was born out of necessity.

“We would actually like to prevent the future generation from getting into drugs.”

The project makes use of local volunteer football coaches who train u-9, u-13 and u-15 teams four times a week, in a park in Actonville.

Although the teams are not entered into a league, there are plans to move in this direction in the near future and to relocate to a better equipped training base.

Around 40 children are already participating in the free programme.

More children (boys and girls) are encouraged to take part.

For more information, or to become a sponsor, contact Changane on 083 326 8813.

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