Lend a helping hand

A group of young people from Daveyton need your help in making a difference to the people of Badanisile Home of Safety.

On May 2, these young people will host a fun day for the children at 9am.

Badanisile Home of Safety, located in Daveyton, caters for abused children and women.

Makhosazana Kubeka said the home needs a fence and gate erected as children cannot go outside and play freely as their abusers might spot them.

“We believe that children should not be living their lives in fear,” said Kubeka.

Kubeka added that their aim is to address and fight socio-economic problems in the community.

The group has raised R10 000 that will go towards putting windows and burglar proofing in the home.

They are appealing to the community to donate whatever they can, whether it’s money, toys, clothes, books or food.

To make a donation, contact Kubeka on 079 663 2791 or email to makhosiy@gmail.com.

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