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Continuing to help man’s best friend

Animal Lovers Project Swing (Alps) has sterilised over 600 animals in the Etwatwa East community since 2012.

Educating the community has become one of the core priorities of Alps.

Cassandra Barbosa and her team visit the area three to four times a month to conduct sterilisation campaigns.

Alps started off as something small in 2012.

They provide the necessary vaccinations and resources to help change the perceptions of dog owners in that community.

The non-profit animal welfare organisation has assisted many animals within the Etwatwa East community.

“Helping the animals is the most rewarding, seeing the difference we are making is all worth it,” said Barbosa.

Educating the impoverished community to take proper care of their animals has resulted in children also being educated.

On a monthly basis the organisation collects 1 000kg of food, which helps to feed about 180 animals on average.

“We feel we can help those who can’t help themselves,” Barbosa said.

“I don’t believe anybody should be denied the love for an animal just because they can’t afford one.”

The organisation teaches people how to take care of their pets which, to some, are their only companions.

Barbosa describes the journey the organisation has taken since it first started as an emotional rollercoaster.

“I get goosebumps just thinking about it,” she said.

Working with volunteers and vets makes the task of ensuring that the animals are healthy less challenging.

Barbosa emphasised the gratitude she feels to the people who have stuck with her and the organisation, despite some of the challenges they faced.

The organisation is open to any sponsors who may want to contribute towards the cause.

For more information, contact Barbosa on 082 771 0511.

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