Vying for Mrs SA title

A Farrarmere resident, mother and business owner is a semi-finalist in the Schwarzkopf Mrs South Africa 2016 competition.

Simone Schroeter needs Benoni to support her, because she wants to reach out and help more people in SA.

So what makes this beauty the ideal candidate to support, apart from her being a Benonian?

“I have been a resident of Benoni for the last 34 years,” said Schroeter.

“I now have the pleasure of not only representing the East Rand, but South Africa as a whole.”

She is the proud mother of two and has been the wife of Mark Schroeter for 23 years.

“My daughter, Hayley, is 20 years old and works with us in our businesses, and my son, Devon, is 17 years old and schools at St Dunstan’s College,” she said.

Together with her husband, she owns two businesses in Benoni, called Proactive Packaging and Diversity Fitness Spinning.

“I entered Mrs SA as it is not just a beauty pageant, but a women-empowered organisation,” she said.

Schroeter is also involved in charity work.

“I work with a charity called GloInGiving, which is based in the Benoni Small Farms,” she said.

“They feed a number of underprivileged families.

“I collect food and clothing for them and we recently hosted a spinathon at our spinning studio for GloInGiving, where we raised R10 000.”

Not only does she have a heart for women and underprivileged Benonians, she also has a love for animals.

“I have thrown parties where the entrance is a bag of dog food which we donate to the SPCA,” she said.

“We also have eight dogs that we have rescued and fostered.”

Schroeter is sponsored and supported by various Benoni businesses that will assist her in achieving her goal of becoming one of the top 25 at the Cansa gala dinner, on April 29, at Emperors Palace.

”I have had an overwhelming response, with Benoni businesses wanting to back my journey and help me make it to the finals on April 29,” she said.

The top 25 will be announced on April 29.

To vote for Schroeter, Facebook users need to first like the Mrs SA page.

“Then the awesome people of Benoni can support me by going to my public Facebook page: Simone Schroeter- Schwarzkopf Professional Mrs SA Semi-Finalist,” she said.

A link to her photo will be available, which must be liked.

“The person with the most likes gets an automatic spot in the top 25,” she said.

Mrs SA is a pageant for married women; it is considered as a woman empowering programme, and not just a beauty pageant.

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