Travel to South America without breaking the bank

South America is within your reach for the holiday of a lifetime and you won’t break the bank if you choose your South American destination with care.

One country in South America is particularly appealing for budget travellers – Bolivia. Bolivia is a huge land-locked country that offers adventure, ancient culture, history, trekking and outdoor adventure.

Bolivia is a vibrant and intriguing mix of the ancient and the modern. You’ll find stunning natural landscapes, outdoor adventures, ancient culture, and frenzied cities. Within Bolivia you will find the extremes of the Andes and the Amazon, with beautiful rain forests, arid plains, towering peaks and deserts all in one varied country.

La Paz is the capital city and a good starting point for exploring the country. Smaller towns like Potosi and Sucre are also interesting. When looking for natural attractions, head to Lake Titicaca which is the biggest lake in South America. The Uyuni salt flats are a stunning destination, too, and you can take a tour over the remains of the prehistoric lake with its bright white salt surface.

You can certainly stretch your Rand in Bolivia as the cost of living is very cheap. If you want to stay in budget accommodation you have a big choice, and there are also more upmarket options if you want to push the boat out.

Bolivia is not the absolute cheapest destination for South Africans because it is simply a long way away, and flights are more expensive than to Europe or Asia. But once you’re there, it’s becomes really affordable in comparison to other well-known tourist destinations.

By budgeting for cheap accommodation and cheap living, you can make your money go a long way in Bolivia.

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