Principals’ comments on intake for 2016

The new school year can be stressful for parents, principals and pupils.

The City Times asked Benoni school principals for their comment on the intake and overall preparation at their respective schools.

Actonville Primary School headmistress Venessa Moodley: ”We have 170 Grade One pupils admitted to the school this year. There were lots of late applications and, unfortunately, we can’t accommodate them all. Those we can’t accommodate, we will transfer to the department of education. We are prepared and ready for what the year holds; our teachers are motivated and they attended a teachers’ development program on January 11.”

Principal Patrick Arentsen, of Arbor Primary School: “The school has had its biggest intake of Grade Ones this year. We did have late applications. I would like the children to enjoy their education and be involved in extra curricular activities at school. The more involved they are, the happier the children are.”

Headmistress Gertie Testa: ”We had one or two late entries, but there were no problems. We filled Grade One and are looking forward to a great year.”

Ashbury Private School principal Cecil Behrens: ”The school received late applications, although the admission process ran smoothly. Grade One is the foundation year and I hope we can create a love for school and learning. This year determines how they will view school for the rest of their schooling lives.”

Crystal Park Primary School principal Gideon Poopedi: ”The issue of late applications and parents submitting the wrong documentation is one of the challenges we had. There are also parents who applied to the school and didn’t live within the Crystal Park area. I am happy the first day back started well and it’s all systems go. The parents are happy to see learners go straight to their classes. Crystal Park is growing; there are new developments being built and we are the only school in the area. We can’t accommodate all the pupils.”

Headmistress Fiona Stansfeld: ”Many parents apply late and when they cannot get a school for their children, they get upset. We advised parents to apply early. Those we could accommodate, we did accommodate. However, by 8am on January 13, everyone was settled into class.”

Kathstan College headmistress Cathy Boyes: ”It was a quiet and lovely way to start the year. We strive to make sure that the children are happy at school and that they do the best they can do. This year we only had two late applications which we accepted. We enrol pupils throughout the year in all grades until we reach full capacity. I expect the pupils to excel, try hard and do exceptional work.”

Cobus Barnard, skoolhoof: ”Ons het met meer as 60 kinders gegroei vanaf verlede jaar. Hoewel daar ‘n paar laat inskrywings is, sal ons almal kan inkry; daar was geen probleme sover nie.”

Skoolhoof Johan Pieters: ”Ons het ‘n groot groep graad eens hierdie jaar. Daar was hier en daar laat inskrywings, maar dis nie ‘n krisis nie. Die skool is so te sê vol.

Lee Rand Primary School headmistress Thea le Roux: ”The school has 110 Grade One pupils in total and we did not encounter any problems during the intake. We will try to accommodate the late applications and help them in any way we can. We are very happy and well prepared for this year.”

Headmistress Lynette Cuthbertson: ”We had plenty of late applications on Monday and Tuesday, last week. We tried to accommodate where we could, but it was a lovely start to the year.”

Headmistress Marlene van Heerden: ”It has run very smoothly and we finalised our intake last year. The first day back was lovely; we had a lovely opening outside and one in the hall. We had a few late applications, but unfortunately we don’t have space available.”

Headmaster Craig McIlrath: ”We had an excellent morning. We have 73 Grade Ones and we are delighted with the quality of our intake. We would like to wish the families who have joined us, and the old ones, a wonderful 2016.”

Headmistress Giselle Mynhardt: ”It has been lovely, seeing nice parents and children on the first day. We had a few late applications yesterday and we accommodated them. We are here to educate children and we understand that parents want their children to attend the best schools.”

Verkenner Primary School principal Edward NC-Carter: ”We haven’t had any problems with the intake, besides a few late late applications. We registered 138 Grade One pupils. We are well prepared for this year and I’m very happy with the way things are going so far.”

Belvedere skoolhoof Hannes du Plessis: ”Die inname was gewoon hierdie jaar; daar was omtrent 20 laat inskrywings, wat op die waglys is. Ons sal na ‘n paar skooldae kyk of ons die laat inskrywings kan plaas. Verder het alles goed verloop.”

Benoni High School principal Jake Ceronio: We had plenty of late entries this year; every day people are knocking on our door.There have been late applications in all grades, so we haven’t touched ground yet.”

Benoni Muslim School principal Nasser Ebrahim: ”There were no admission problems, with no late applications in the new year. All the pupils applied last year and were accepted into the school. We expect 100 per cent from the pupils and require them to try their best.”

Crystal Park High School principal Frikkie Smith: ”There were a few late applications, but we still have space available. There are 166 Grade Eight pupils. It’s a new year and we are looking forward to new beginnings and taking it day by day.”

James Wright, skoolhoof: ”Ons het nogal ‘n paar laat inskrywings gehad, maar ons kan hulle inneem. Daar was geen probleme met inname nie en ons het hierdie jaar 170 graad agt leerders.”

Skoolhoof Ertjies Hattingh: ”Ons het enkele laat inskrywings gehad, as gevolg van verhuisings. Dit was nie problematies nie, ons graad agt groep is omtrent so groot soos verlede jaar.”

Prem Maharaj, Liverpool Secondary School principal: ”We had a number of late applications, which were put on a waiting list. Some were assisted; if they met the criteria they were accepted. Another problem we encounted was pupils who try to ‘school hop’ from their schools to this school for various reasons. I expect them to do well and for the pupils to do what is asked of them. The pupils will do well because there are excellent teachers at Liverpool.

Headmistress Marina Nortier: ”There have been no problems and everything is going well. We refer all new enrolments to district, as we have reached capacity in all grades.”

Head of St Francis College Dian Cockcroft: ”We still had people applying, hoping for a possible cancellation. We have been recommending that parents go to the district offices. However, the first day went well and we were already having lessons on the first day.”

Principal Kennia Plaskitt: ”It was nice and quiet, but we did deal with a couple of issues with regards to relocation. This has been one of my easiest years, and the district has been very supportive.”

Wordsworth High School principal Milton Mzangwa: ”We had a few relocations from pupils who were not placed and parents who did not apply on time. We decided to refer them to the department and that they should come to our school with a reference from the department. However, all pupils were in class on time and lessons commenced as planned.”

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