Man sentenced for boy’s death

The man who knocked down a seven-year-old boy in Crystal Park, causing the child's death, was found guilty of culpable homicide in the Benoni Magistrate's Court, on December 14.

Trust Mthetwa struck Unathi Madonsela on Jenkins Road, Crystal Park, just after 5pm on October 20.

The Crystal Park Primary School pupil is believed to have been picking up something from the road when the car drove into him.

His mother, Khanyisile, was called to the scene from her home on Jangroentjie Street by a community member, who told her that her son had been knocked over.

The child was rushed to the Far East Rand Hospital in a private vehicle, but was declared dead on arrival.

Crystal Park SAPS acting communications officer Tryna Maritz said Mthetwa was found guilty of culpable homicide, driving without a licence and being undocumented in the country.

He was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment and received a R1 000 fine for driving without a valid driver’s licence and not being in the country legally.

Mthetwa is serving his sentence in Modderbee Prison.

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