Large number of strays at SPCA after New Year

A number of animals, including dogs, cats and even hadedas, streamed into the Benoni SPCA over the New Year's weekend.

Although no injuries due to fireworks were reported, the organisation took in over 120 animals, which were either collected or brought in from the streets by members of the public.

Shelley Owens, co-chair of the Benoni SPCA, said animals that are brought in from the streets are classified as strays and placed in the holding kennels.

After seven days, to allow owners to come look for their potentially lost pets, the animals are moved to the adoption kennels, if their health is in order.

Although the extra guests place strain on the organisation, Owens said they have enough kennels to handle the influx for at least a while.

Owens urged pet owners whose animals disappeared recently to go look at the SPCA immediately after the disappearance, as they will have to adopt the animal anew after the seven day holding period.

To look for lost pets or to adopt, visit the Benoni SPCA at 3 Klein Street, Lakefield, or contact them on 011 894 2814/5.

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