December weather for Benoni

Plus summary of 2015 weather

Graph one shows December:

Temperatures (half-hourly in red and dew point in green), wind speeds (daily maximum in red, half-hourly averages in blue), wind direction (in yellow), rainfall (in blue) and barometric pressure (in grey).

Graph two shows:

Monthly rainfall and temperatures (daily maximum and minimum) for 2015.

Graph three shows:

Rainfall for 2014 and 2015.

2015 weather summary:

The annual total of 536, 9mm was only 74 per cent of the long-term average.

The long-term forecast for the first months of 2016 is that rainfall will probably be below normal.

Longer term forecasts also suggest that there is a probability of a few years of a dry cycle coming for the summer rainfall region of South Africa.

Graph three shows:

The lower rainfall in 2015 compared to 2014.

Last year showed a higher annual average temperature by 1°C (16.4°C compared to 15°C) compared to 2014.

Graph two shows:

Daily maximum temperatures reached or surpassed 30°C on many summer days!

The annual average of 3,7km/h was similar to that of 2013.

The prevailing direction was again from the north as expected.

The highest wind speed for the year reached fresh gale force (57, 9km/h) on August 13.

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