Three dry months for Farrarmere Gardens day care centre

With 25 infants and toddlers in one crèche, water is a daily necessity, but Paddington's Day Care has had to deal with three dry months.

Carolyn Dobbin, owner of Paddington’s, said the centre has had low or non-existent water pressure since August.

“We have water sometimes, but then it trickles in, the pressure is very low,” she said.

The day care centre, in Village Road, Farrarmere Gardens, is staying afloat by bringing in water bottles, but needs municipal water to function smoothly.

Dobbin has children between naught and three years old in her care, but is battling as she has to bring in water bottles daily.

“It is so frustrating, I have to care for toddlers and infants, but there’s no water in the taps; I am desperate,” she said.

In addition, Dobbin said the water meter outside the property was taken down shortly after the water supply problem arose and was never replaced.

She reported both matters to Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM) several times, but no teams have been sent out yet.

“Many people have come to see me and talk to me, but nothing has happened yet,” she remarked.

“I’m at my wits end.”

Dobbin added that Clr Mary Goby (Ward 28) organised water trucks for the centre.

“They delivered water daily in the beginning, but they haven’t been back in several weeks,” she said.

Dobbin called the City Times on Tuesday, November 17 and said water supply had returned to the crèche.

EMM was approached for comment, but none had been received at the time of publishing.

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