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Did someone say BFF?

If ever there was a blueprint on friendship, Laureata Dickerson (80) and Norma Tully (80) would have drawn it up.


This year, the pair are not only celebrating 75 years of friendship, but one which has never seen a fallout.

“We have never ever, ever had a fight – never,” Laureata said from her home in the Benoni North Agricultural Holdings.

Laureata met her long-time friend when she was only five years old.

The two started Grade One at West End Primary School, Kimberly, in 1940.

The friends immediately drew each other’s attention when they were put in the same classroom.

“I was always jealous of her blond ringlets, my sister also had ringlets, and I had straight hair,” said Norma, a Springs resident.

Laureata said she loved Norma from a young age.

“She was a sweet, shy, lovely little thing – I kind of remember having an affection for her,” added Laureata.

The friendship suffered a set back two years after they started school, as Laureata’s parents moved to Bloemfontein.

They lost touch for several years – only to be reunited in 1949.

They were once again placed in the same classroom at Springs Central School, much to their surprise, as they had not known they were once again living in the same town.

“It was unbelievable,” Laureata said of the reunion.

“… To see her back in Springs was absolutely wonderful, it was lekker.”

They matriculated at Springs Technical College.

The friends always kept in touch when Laureata moved out of Springs in 1954, by writing letters.

“We were always in touch, we always knew what was happening in one another’s lives,” said Laureata.

“I just feel incredibly blessed to still have her in my life.”

Both women are grateful to have been friends for so many years.

“I think it is absolutely essential to have a best friend,” said Laureata.

“I think it makes your life worthwhile, if you know there is always somebody you can phone and talk to, and that you can share all your dreams, disappointments and heartaches with.”

Both concurred that the digital age is affecting people’s relationships.

“That is why having a good friend was so important, because there was so very little else in your life, there was your friend and you did everything with your friend,” said Laureata.

The pair are adamant their friendship will forever stay strong.

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