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Where is the road on Great North?

Loose gravel, potholes and ridges have become part of the busy intersection of Great North and High roads.

Residents have raised concerns about the terrible condition of the road.

READ: Motorist’s claim for pothole damage is rejected

Jakobus Jonker, a Pomona resident who uses the road on a daily basis, said he noticed men working at the intersection on Sunday (October 25).

“The road is gone; it’s a huge mess,” he said.

“Cars are being damaged, especially when the robot is green and they are approaching at a high speed.”

He called the Ekurhuleni Metro Municipality (EMM) to report the issue, and he was given a reference number.

“I have seen drivers parking on the side of the road due to their tyres being damaged and their car rims being broken; something must be done,” he said.

There are no warning signs to alert motorists to the condition of the road.

Ward 23’s Clr André du Plessis has also raised his concern about the intersection.

After an investigation, he was told that the Gauteng Department of Transport was responsible for the intersection.

“The road has been in that condition for three weeks now and nothing as been done to repair it,” he said.

“How can government appoint a contractor to come and cause damage to a road on purpose?”

He has set up a meeting with the provincial legislature to try to resolve the issue.

He plans to find out why a contractor was appointed to do road works at the intersection and why they have not finished the job.

Du Plessis said: “This could cause serious accidents, especially when it rains; it’s a total mess and it’s unacceptable.”

The municipality was approached for comment, but no response had been received at the time of going to press.

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