
Help police strengthen case against robbery suspect

Police are requesting street robbery victims to come forward with information after a man was arrested for armed robbery at a house in Wattville, on October 1.

Crystal Park SAPS media liaison officer, Tryna Maritz, said police need the information to strengthen its case against the 22-year-old arrestee.

Maritz said the suspect, along with an accomplice, are believed to have robbed a person on Oriole Crescent, Crystal Park on October 1.

“Fortunately the victim kept calm during the street robbery and managed to take down the vehicle’s registration number,” said Maritz.

“The information was followed up by the Crystal Park detectives and Benoni cluster task team.

“This information led them to a house in Wattville.”

Police arrested the man at a home in Wattville and found the car matching the description of the one used in the Oriole Street robbery.

Police discovered suspected stolen items at another house in Wattville where the accomplice was believed to be staying.

When police arrived, the accomplice had fled.

The 22-year-old was charged with armed robbery.

Maritz said several other robbery cases were reported in Benoni where people were robbed of cellphones, jewellery and cash.

A white Opel Corsa, with two occupants, was involved in the incidents.

Anyone who fell victim to a street robbery recently is urged to call Capt Glen Whitford on 082 822 7608.

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